XKCD – Humor is universal, we all know that. But we also know each field and every niche that lies somewhere on the vast gamut of possible professions and cultures entail a specific kind of humor. It’s that seemingly dull comment on rocks that makes geologists giggle, those Yiddish words only New Yorkers understand or doctors’ jokes around the operation room only hospital staff can identify with. Based on this humor premise is XKCD, a cartoon/comic website for the highly intelligent, engineery audience. It’s a “webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math and language.”
The site was created by a former robots specialist at NASA who is also a CNU physics graduate. And just in case you were wondering what XKCD stands for, here’s the explanation: “It’s just a word with no phonetic pronunciation — a treasured and carefully-guarded point in the space of four-character strings.” This site is a great coffee break place for the more sophisticated and geeky persons out there. I enjoyed Floor Tiles, X Girls Y Cups (funny if you know what it refers to) and Canada.