Vancouver 2010 – Mt. Olympus in British Columbia

The Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games – Whenever I watch the Olympic Games -both summer and winter sessions- I’m always amazed anew by the physical capabilities of the participating athletes. More often than not, I see them as semi-gods on Earth, possessing magical performance powers of the human body. Personally I’m more fond of the Winter Olympic Games because it’s interesting to me how ice and snow have led to such a diverse spectrum of sport fields.

The Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games are no different, and the British Colombian location couldn’t have been a more appropriate spot for the sportive marvels of these competitions. NBC’s designated website for this year’s Winter Olympics is a wonderful resource, offering comprehensive up to the minute information, photos, videos, interviews and loads more on all that’s taking place this season. It’s a great place to visit and re-visit if you are unable to follow the various competitions on TV. And even if you are watching the Games on your tube, the NBC Olympics site is a great auxiliary source for info you won’t find anywhere else.

Although there are numerous thrilling videos and photos of precious Olympic moments on this site, I was excited to get a peep into the athletes’ village, and discover the comic take on some of the athletes not-so-good sense of style. Nevertheless, these are the Olympic Games after all, so here’s a photo that has Olympic written all over it (for the sake of tradition). Enjoy.

Annat Katz:

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