Upvoted: A Reddit Within A Reddit

Upvoted is a Redditorial Publication that features the more popular stories from Reddit itself.

Sort Of The Same, But Different

While scrolling through Upvoted, you may notice there are a lot of similarities to its original site Reddit. But it’s not completely the same. As mentioned above, Upvoted features more of the popular stories and there is no comment section. Reddit is also seeking out original publishers for more information regarding their posts and providing that information on Upvoted. There also isn’t a comment section below each post.

The Best Of The Best

The posts featured on Upvoted are the more popular ones from Reddit that you may have seen before, but with these posts there is no comment section. They’re not trying to discourage discussion, but if readers do want to make comments, there is a link at the bottom of each post leading readers back to the original posts where they can do so. Upvoted wants the post to be about the post itself, not necessarily what others think. Upvoted is also trying to “steal back” some of the traffic of posts that are being sent to other publications. It’s also proven that many advertisers are somewhat skeptical to advertise with Reddit, Upvoted is trying to put some of that confidence back in advertisers decisions. All of this is what just comes next for Reddit. One question though, if Upvoted is a Reddit within a Reddit, is this a Reddit inception?

Toby Sanders:

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