Posted on Monday, October 19th, 2009 by Shachar Pessis
Tweak Today – Whenever I hear the words assignment, mission or task, my initial reaction is more often than not an “oh boy” one. But Tweak Today takes these intimidating nouns and makes them utterly entertaining and inspiring. It is a site where “the idea is that users rally behind a simple mission every day, and submit photos, videos, or “tweets” about it.” Here are two examples of already accomplished missions: show your favorite pair of shoes and post a picture of a book you started and never finished. These missions are all about fun and sharing.
I really enjoyed this website, and had a great time going through the various Missions Accomplished. Plus, the best part about Tweak Today is that they make participation easy – adding your tweak along with a picture or video is an intuitive piece of cake. Another cool feature they offer is suggesting a mission, and if enough people like it, it may be posted as the daily mission. Help my mission idea become an actual task by casting your vote on What’s the best ‘Monday’ song? My personal favorite is the one below.