TinyCards: Flashcards by Duolingo

Flashcards are the perfect study buddy when it comes to memorizing information. But they aren’t the most fun, until you start using TinyCards.

Learning Can Be Fun

When it comes to memorizing facts, flashcards can be one of the best methods to do so. It’s not always the most fun though (not that studying always is). TinyCards has turned the experience of flash cards into a game where players can unlock new levels in the game, all while learning and memorizing. TinyCards has thousands of topics to choose from, or you can make your own decks. You also don’t have to sit and spend lots of time writing all those flash cards. Once you’ve created a deck, choose to share them with friends and add animation too. TinyCards is easy to use and is also 100% free. By letting TinyCards help you study, you’re having fun and learning. Who knew those two things could co-exist?

Toby Sanders:

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