The Simple Dollar – A Personal Finance Blog

The Simple Dollar – The Simple Dollar is an intriguing personal account of Trent Hamm, who went through a financial meltdown back in 2006 and lived to tell the tale; after getting into some serious dept with credit card companies and car expenses, Trent realized he urgently needed to get a grip on his money approach. From being a big spender who made the wrong choices, he picked up the pieces and within 8 month he managed to pay off all of his credit card debt and vehicle, and also established an emergency fund. Trent’s additional strong point, his love for writing, created this wonderful blog. Besides his personal financial anecdotes, Trent also offers many budget related tips and advice which transcend the usual chart-and-figures info in financial blogs we see so often these days. The result is a colorful, fun to read blog from a person who wishes nothing but the best to his readers. After exploring The Simple Dollar, my fave post is Thoughts on Manhattan, where Trent so eloquently says: “Instead of using my time, money, and energy to chase a mix of good and bad things, I’m using my time, money, and energy to make sure I can always enjoy the great things.” For the complete article – click here

Shachar Pessis:

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