Sun Basket: Healthy Cooking Made Easy

Whether it was a new Year’s resolution or just a goal to achieve, healthy eating always seems to be a good idea. Cooking healthy can be hard sometimes, but Sun Basket is eliminating the hard and going to straight for easy.

Healthy Can Be Delicious

Cooking and eating healthy meals is a goal many people strive for. But when it comes down to it, many people don’t realize heathy is more than salad and raw veggies or they think it takes to much time. We often forget that healthy meals can be easy and delicious too. Here enters Sun Basket, a food delivery service that prides itself on healthy and easy meals. Sun Basket is similar to other food delivery sites providing meals, but all the options are fresh and organic. Meals also have the option to be gluten free, Paleo and vegetarian.

Delivered Right To Your Door

When signing up for Sun Basket, users will pay $11.49 per meal, receive 3 meals a week, enjoy the best organic food from the West Coast and receive convenient delivery. The food is also hand selected, which means you won’t be receiving items that have ben sitting on shelves for months at a time. Produce is all natural and organic and hails from Full Belly Farms in California, animals are raised responsibly (100% grass fed) and fish is wild line caught. How it works is easy: pick your favorite meals, pre measured ingredients and their recipes are sent to your door (no more having to put real clothes on to go to the grocery store) and finally, cook delicious meals created by an award winning chef. Healthy can taste great, and be easy to cook with a little help from Sun Basket.

Toby Sanders:

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