Startup Grind: A Global Community

Startup Grind is a global startup community designed to educate, inspire and connect entrepreneurs.

A Supportive Community

Every startup founder or entrepreneur knows that the life they lead is a daily grind. There always seems to be something that could be done, but there never seems to be enough time to do it. Startup Grind is an independent, worldwide startup community, offering a sense of support and mentorship for early stage companies. The organization holds monthly events hosted by successful founders and innovators, allowing members of a local startup community to socialize and learn more about each other. With values like “We believe in making friends, not contacts'” and “We believe in helping others before helping yourself,” Startup Grind truly has created a positive community for the tech industry.

The Daily Grind

Startup Grind is currently represented in 175 cities, 70 countries, and by 215,977 entrepreneurs. Even if you’re not an active member of the community, its site contains a great deal of useful resources. There’s a “Discussion” section, in which users can post questions and answers in a forum-like thread. There’s also a blog, with posts like “10 of the Top Event And Co-Working Spaces In The Bay Area.” Anyone even remotely involved in the startup community should either think about becoming a member of the organization or at least using the site as a resource. There’s a lot to learn, and Startup Grind is there to help.


Will Hagle:

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