Speke: Trending Around The World

Speke is a social media aggregator that lets people chat anonymously about topics with others from the most popular social media platforms.

What’s Trending In The World?

For any social media junkie, Speke is the site to browse. Speke shows everything that is trending all around the world about any given subject. Speke has a list of hashtags already grouped together, or browse through different social media sites to see what’s trending. There are photos, videos, streams, etc. everything you would find on a popular social media site. Currently there are trending topics from: Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, YouTube and much more. There is also a map of the world, so users can click on different cities and countries to see what’s trending around the world. See what’s popular in your city, or on the other side of the world. If users create an account, they can chat with people around the world about what is trending. Speke is an interesting site to stay connected with the world, and popular topics and issues.

Toby Sanders:

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