Space Cropper 2: Save The Land, Save The Women

Aliens have stolen your land, and now you have to save the women in Space Cropper 2.

It’s Up To You To Save The World

In Space Cropper 2, your land has been stolen by Aliens, and you have to save it! Gamers must take their land back and rescue all the women! To save the women, you have to user your arrow keys and space bars to create boxes around the women. Once you’ve created the box they’ll be saved, and then you must cut boxes out of what’s left of the grid. Once you’ve trapped the aliens and other bad forces working against you, only then will you move onto the next level. Each level gets harder and harder. There are the same amount of girls in each level, but more aliens and obstacles will appear. Remember, it’s up to you to save your land, and your women in Space Cropper 2.

Toby Sanders:

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