Soon: Remember Your Future

It’s important to remember the past, but it’s also important to know where you’re going. Soon is the App to help you do so.

Life Can Be Fun, Enjoy It A Little More

Soon is an App that lets people remember and discover things that will make their lives better. Most of our days are filled with moments where we decide we want to try something, or check out a new store, etc. Soon is here to help. Soon will take those moments you have and put them in categorized lists. Users are then given relevant information about each of their entries. The things that you have done, or you have “crossed off your bucket list” are kept track of in a back list for each of your categories. Everyone with the Soon App can send other users tips that may interest them. The categories for lists that Soon currently support include: Movies, TV Series, Books, Restaurants, Bars and Clubs, Museums, Hotels, Cafes, and Places.




Toby Sanders:

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