Rounds Video Chat – Putting the Fun into Facebook Video Chat

It’s video chat. It’s Facebook. And no it’s not the Skype-Facebook tie up that’s been hyped up for the past few months, only to turn out to be one of the biggest damp squibs since Barack Obama’s first Presidential term. Folks, this is Rounds, and it’s actually fun!

More than just a simple video call, which you can do on regular Skype or Facetime (if, unlike me, you’re lucky enough to own a new iPhone!), Rounds recognizes that when you’re on Facebook, you’re not just interested in simply talking. You’re probably also looking at Youtube videos; you’re playing a free online game; or you’re checking out what your friends have been up to recently (“stalking” for those of you unfamiliar with the Facebook lingo!).

And they’ve come up with a really lovely idea: to allow you to video chat to your friends, and at the same time, share a mini-window allowing you to co-browse all those things together. So you literally can play a game together with one of your friends, while video chatting, on the same screen, on Facebook! Watch the video below to see some of the latest multiplayer games you can play on Video Chat Rounds:

Liking the look of this? I know we are at All My Faves. Click here to get started playing free multiplayer games with your friends on Facebook with Rounds.

Danny Davies:

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