So what secrets can you find here? At Post Secret you’ll find secrets ranging all through the enigma spectrum and no, not all secrets are related to love and romance. Many deal with break ups, disappointment, betrayal and other misbehavior the human race can produce. Secrets are posted every Sunday and comments can be added during the week. By the way, if you wish to see previous weekly posts on the site, I must inform you that it isn’t available for non-subscribers. The only way to see the archive is by subscribing at the top of the page (click on the orange RSS icon). If you’re fascinated by secrets in general, and by reveling yours confidentially in particular, I suggest that you also check out the PostSecret Community and the PostSecret YouTube Channel.
In addition to the relief PostSecret probably brings to many people, they also provide at the end of each Sunday post the HopeLine, which runs the 1800.SUICIDE service. For people who lost all hope, this service offers an opportunity to talk to an anonymous person and get help and advice for whatever situation they’re in.
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