Postcards From Yo Momma – Oh Momma!

Postcards from Yo Momma – Mom’s are, without a doubt, special. They have the unique ability to cover us with love and tenderness but also to blow our fuse in just one second. Since the Internet, it’s become much easier to keep in touch with family and friends in general, and with moms in particular. As for me and my mother, we chat quite a bit online on a daily basis. And when our conversations turn out to be funny without anyone’s initial intention, I like to share them. If you feel like this is familiar, then you should dip into this site. Postcards from Yo Momma is just the place to learn about and share people’s conversations with their moms. The site’s editors, Jessica Grose and Doree Shafrir, define their web creation as “a repository of modern day maternal correspondence”  which is exactly that, with the added value of good humor. Great laughs inside. My fave is Don’t Passive-Aggressive-Smile-Face-Me. What’s yours?

Shachar Pessis:

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