PopJam – Share Funny Stuff!

Posted on Monday, March 2nd, 2009 by

PopJam – The Internet is full of funny things, much of which is aggregated in blogs that specialize in funny and/or awkward pictures and videos. To give you an idea, some of these include IcanHasCheezBurger, Cute OverLoad, FAIL Blog, Roflrazzi and IhasAHotDog – all of these were previously featured in our Weekly Faves. PopJam isn’t much different than the rest of the bunch; it offers the same funny stuff, but with the added value of a highly intuitive and easy-to-use sharing platform. Whenever you find something online that makes you laugh out loud, simply visit PopJam and post it on your profile. Your friends will be able to see what you’ve shared and vote on it (look for the ‘LOL’ feature). Likewise, you will be able to see all the funny stuff your friends are posting and add these to your personal page. For those of you who are familiar with StumbleUpon, it is pretty much the same only for humor-infused things (toolbar excluded). Writers note: If you are in the mood for some hardcore laughing and don’t feel like creating a profile of your own, the site is full with endless posts made by others that will keep you giggling for hours on end. My fave post is half-full or half-empty.

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