People of Public Transit – Next Stop: Deviantham

People of Public Transit – A while back we featured a funny website called People of Walmart, showing the odd and hilarious customers browsing the aisles of various Walmart stores across the US. If you had a kick out of those photos, brace yourself; People of Public Transit (POPT) offers the exact same thing, using the buses, trains and subways of America as the scene of the crime. If you’ve ever been to NYC and took a ride in one of the city’s subway trains, I’m sure you’ve had your dose of bizarrely dressed and funny looking individuals. Tap into your NY nostalgia with photos such as this one, browse the site’s archive, or even submit your own photo documenting humanity at its best… Here are some of my favorite pics: Carrot Top Fan Club President, Coolio? and Stay Puft.

Annat Katz:

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