Oculus: Virtual Reality

Virtual reality used to be something to describe the future. Thanks to Oculus, virtual reality is here and it’s now.

Step Into Reality

You may have the biggest TV around, and play video games and watching movies on it is probably awesome. But what if you became part of the game? Oculus Rift and the Samsung gear give players the opportunity to be part of the most immersive virtual reality experiences and environments. Whether you’re playing a video game or watching movies, Oculus takes you inside the experience. Oculus uses state of the art technology designed specifically for virtual reality, enhancing the experience that much more for a wide field of view. Having the Oculus headset is only the first step, there are hand sets to get that lets you interact in the experience and really be part of it and not just something to watch. You have officially entered the virtual reality experience. Oculus is taking your virtual reality experience to the next level by taking you inside the experience.

Toby Sanders:

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