Notarize: Legal In All 50 States

Getting a document notarized has never been easier with the app, Notarize.

No More Excuses

Many documents in our lives have to be notarized for them to be recognized and considered legal. But the problem is, either finding someone who is authorized to notarize a document or getting to the place to have something notarized. Notarize is an app making legal notarization more efficient and convenient. It can all happen right from a phone, so there are no more excuses to not have something notarized. This software is improving every aspect of the notary industry and process, from inconvenience to meeting an agent in person. Notarize is valid in all 50 US states, and convenient for anyone needing to notarize legal documents at any time. To use Notarize is an incredibly easy process: upload a document, prove your identity, use annotations to help adjust the document, connect with a legal notary via video chat, have the document notarized. Once a document is legal, share it with whoever needs the document. There is a $25 charge for each notary, but it seems like a fair trade off when it can be done right from a phone. Getting a document notarized used to be an annoying and inconvenient process, but not anymore with Notarize.

Toby Sanders:

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