NewsTab: Read & Share The News You Care About

There is so much news during the day, but why read about things that you don’t really care about? NewsTab is catered to you and your interests.

It’s All About You

Every day, so much happens in the world that news sources think is important to report on. While they are, not everything applies or interests everyone. Finally there is a place where you can read and share news that you care about, NewsTab. With NewsTab, pick your favorite topics and your favorite sources and publications, and you’ve created a newsfeed filled with everything you want to hear about, from where you want to hear it from. More than following your favorite publications, follow trending topics or hashtags you use all the time. Your feed will be organized and easy to ready, so you won’t have to shuffle and scroll to find what you want to read. You can access NewsTab from all your devices, so take your news wherever you go. NewsTab is about you, and everything you like, not what others think you should read.

Toby Sanders:

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