MySkyStatus – How you doin’?

Posted on Monday, October 26th, 2009 by

myskystatus MySkyStatus – If update is your middle name, you’re most probably heavily engaged in changing your Facebook status and tweeting more than three times a day. That’s great – it keeps everyone you know updated with… whatever it is you want them to know. But what happens when real-time updates are compromised by say, a flight, or god forbid, a flight longer than 8 hours?

Thanks to Lufthansa Airlines, now you can kiss those long hour hiatus periods goodbye and release those important micro-blogging messages, airborne style, regardless of your flight’s carrier. Lufthansa’s service, MySkyStatus “sends altitude, location, departure and arrival updates automatically to your Facebook and Twitter pages.” All you need is to update your flight number and departure date, and MySkyStatus will do the rest for you. Now only one important question remains: chicken or beef?

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