Mix The City: Make A Mix Like Kutiman

Mix The City is an interactive project in which you create a Kutiman-like mix by sampling videos of Tel Aviv’s musicians.


Kutiman is an Israeli-based musician and producer who makes extremely inventive mixes by sampling and combining YouTube videos of amateur musicians. If you haven’t listened to his albums ThruYou or ThruYouToo, you should do that immediately. Mix The City is an interactive website made through Kutiman’s partnership with The Space and The British Council. The site features another one of Kutiman’s works, a 4:43-long mix called ThruTelAviv. The work showcases the musicians and people of Tel Aviv. Like all of Kutiman’s work, it’s amazing. He puts together loops of crazy instruments and vocals that all mesh together to make a new song.

Make Your Own Mix

A website showcasing Kutiman’s new work would be awesome enough, but Mix The City goes a step beyond. It allows users to create their own mixes using the same samples that Kutiman used for his own. The entire mix can be created using your computer’s keyboard, as each button triggers a different sample. The “C” button also mutes all the tracks and the space bar adds a synth effect. When you’re ready, you can start a new recording by hitting the “R” key. You can make your own unique mix, then share it via Facebook, Twitter or a direct link. There’s also a short bio of every musician that participated in the project, with their information displayed on a map of Tel Aviv. It’s a great site and another testament to Kutiman’s unique skills and talents.

Will Hagle:

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