Innovation Never Sleeps: Meet The Makers

Innovation Never Sleeps explores the lives and careers of individuals in the technology field.

Meet The Makers

Innovation Never Sleeps is an interactive web documentary series that was created for The Guardian Australia. This project follows 24 hours of the lives of innovators in the technology field. Innovation Never Sleeps highlights the achievements and major advancements these individuals are achieving in their respective field. The makers highlighted include: Dr. Jason Held is an Astronautics Innovator, Andrew Lillyman is an Airline Operations Leader, Dr. Tara Martin is a Marine Geophysicist, Dr. Geoff Symonds is a Research Scientist, and Bruce Brymer is a Rolling-stock Specialist. Once you scroll over these makers, there is a short statement about what they’re doing in their career. These are just a few of the individuals who are advancing their fields. The whole site is set up as a timeline, and the users can click on a certain hour of the day and see what’s going on with each of the makers. Innovation Never Sleeps is providing a quick glance into different fields that are developing and changing all the time, many fields we may not have been given a glimpse into.

Toby Sanders:

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