Food2 – I’m sure you’ve heard of The Food Network, especially if you’re an amateur (or savvy) cook yourself. Their site is most definitely a wonderful and informative cooking source. However, one question comes to mind: do their content and Graphic User Interface (GUI) serve all age groups out there? Apparently not, because The Food Network recently launched Food2, a one-stop-shop for anything that is cooking related for the twenty something crowd. Food2 offers a fresher, more fun perspective of cooking. So what does the younger chef generation enjoy on Food2? Besides the aesthetic face lift and minor content adjustment, this site offers pretty much the same – food is food, right? Try it out and put some pots on the stove; here are some easy recipes such as Buffalo-Style Chicken Wings, cooking tips, and to spice it up, here’s a cool video channel. The latter offers different series like Kitchen Conspirators and The Amateur Gourmet. I especially enjoyed the Perfect Steak episode. Bon Appetite!