Fitcode: Your Perfect Fit Starts Here

The struggle to find the perfect pair of jeans is real, but Fitcode is ready to solve this pesky issue once and for all.

Hand Picked For You

I’m the first to admit that I’m a shopaholic, and I’m a sucker for a good pair of denim. I own a wide style of denim including: size, color, length, brand, etc. But even with my closet full of denim in my size, and a wide variety of all denim characteristics available in stores, I can never seem to find the perfect fit. Here enters Fitcode, a site dedicated to helping you find denim that not only fits, it flatters. By taking a simple quiz, the search for that perfect pair of denim will come to and end.

Start Shopping

Ladies, online shopping isn’t easy. Heck, shopping stores isn’t always easy, but the solution is here. The only thing that stands between you and your perfect fit denim is the Fit Quiz. Fitcode doesn’t know who you are, so by taking the quiz and answering a few simple questions, you will receive a fit code that will help you browse through denim to find the perfect pair. The quiz asks you questions from five categories: curve, booty, thighs, legs and size. The more honest you are with the answers, the more accurate your results will be. Not only is Fitcode making your life easier, it’s making you look good in the process.


Toby Sanders:

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