DailySpark – Your Daily Dose of Health News!

DailySpark – DailySpark is brought to you by the same people who created SparkPeople. SparkPeople is a health/diet related site with a focus on weight loss programs. It offers nutrition and health info, fitness tools, support and resources that are 100% free, while other sites like Weight Watchers and eDiets.com charge their members for similar services. The DailySpark is their blog and it offers the same content without stressing weight loss programs too much. It talks more about daily healthy living issues and news, brought to you by the SparkPeople’s experts. Writer’s shared personal moment: When I was a child we used to live on the second floor of a 4-story apartment building. The building had an elevator and we seldom used the stairs. One time, my grandmother came for a visit and the elevator was out of order so we had to use the stairs. My grandma was quite slow so we had plenty of time to talk while going up the stairs. I asked her, “Grandma, is this difficult for you?” to which my grandmother replied: “Honey, did you know that every stair you climb in life adds another second to your lifetime? I enjoy walking up the stairs.” I never knew if my grandmother’s theory had a strong basis, but it was always a nice story to recall. While checking out DailySpark, I was happy to see that her theory holds true. I found this: Can Taking the Stairs Really Prolong Your Life? You Bet! Grandmothers always know what is good for you :-)!

Shachar Pessis:

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