Codementor: Instant Help From Expert Developers

Codementor is your instant 1:1 expert mentor helping you in real time.

Instant, Expert Help

Most online coding instruction programs feature video tutorials or a built-in, guided web platform like Codeacademy. Codementor offers a new way to learn how to program online. The site provides live help from experienced mentors. If you’re struggling to understand a particular concept or are facing a hurdle in your own project, there are thousands of mentors available to help on Codementor. Users can choose between Instant 1:1 Help and Long-Term Mentorship. Both utilize a combination screen sharing, video and text chat in order to facilitate the conversation. Both also provide a useful service for coders, depending on your needs and skill level.

Live Mentorship > Video Tutorials

Codementor differs from comparable mentorship instruction sites, like Thinkful, in that students pay mentors by the hour rather than an overall fee for a course. The starting rate of $10 for a 15 minute session is relatively expensive, but it could be worth it just to get human interaction and help to solve your issue. There are also monthly plans. The site’s rates also mean many of the features are designed for more experienced programmers, although all skill levels could obviously still benefit from using the service. In addition to the one-on-one mentorship, Codementor does offer some live, online classes as well as a few free tutorials.

Will Hagle:

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