App of the Week: Yahtzee with Buddies

Yahtzee is normally considered an individual game, but that’s changing. What’s better than Yahtzee by yourself? Yahtzee with Buddies!

Twice the Fun

Yahtzee is probably one of the games you grew up playing, and by yourself. But now, Yahtzee with Buddies is giving players the chance to play with their friends and with others! Yahtzee with Buddies can be played on phones and tablets and is more addicting than ever. Instead of playing against the computer, play against your friends and see who gets to yell, “YAHTZEE!” first! If your friends aren’t around, play against others who are playing at the same time. You can even chat with who you’re playing through the game app. The app hosts daily tournaments as well, for even more action. There are more versions of Yahtzee than we are used to as well. New games are posted each day, with different objectives and obstacles. Stop playing by yourself, and shout out “YAHTZEE!” in Yahtzee with Buddies.

Toby Sanders:

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