1000 Awesome Things – Neil is counting down from 1000 to 1 the most awesome things that life has to offer us. What kind of things exactly? I can only guess as Neil hasn’t disclosed his choice methods just yet…. I’m assuming anything that entails an ‘awesome!’ cry could simply be regarded as awesome-worthy. This is a work in progress and as of today, Neil has published the 235th post. I must admit that almost each one I read induced my ‘awesome!’ cheer. Needless to say, choosing my top 5 awesome things was a hard task to tackle. In any case, these are my favorite awesome things: Waking up before your alarm clock and realizing you’ve got lots of sleep time left, Finding money you didn’t even know you lost, Wearing underwear just out of the dryer, When cashiers open up new check-out lanes at the grocery store and Neighbors with pools. Isn’t it awesome?
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I love your picks, but personally i just cant pick any better than his number 980 Old, dangerous playground equipment