– A Weather Service with a Twist! is a global weather service with a wide range of data sources, which are aggregated together statistically to provide the most accurate forecast possible for a given location.

Know the Weather: Wherever, Whenever! is a full-featured global weather service, complete with 7-day forecasts that cover the world with beautiful visualizations and admirable punctuality. The thing that really sets it apart from other weather services is its ‘time machine’ feature which allows you to explore the weather in the past and far future. Upon entering the site you type your desired location (the default is your current computer location…) and a full week forecast will immediately appear (in either Celsius or Fahrenheit, you choose).

What did God Plan for your Birthday?

As I mentioned before, the most unique feature offers is the time machine. You can type any date from the past: your birthday (Mine is April 22nd, 1979) Michael Jordan’s birthday( February 17, 1963…) or even the night Jordan got his first ring (June 12, 1991…) and you will instantly get the climate that decorated the occasion. You can even try inserting a future date and will get an educated guess from this awesome service. Visit this site and find out what Mr and Mrs Jordan had to wear the day the God of Basketball was born!

Uri Halevi:

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