How does email work? Find out with Google ‘Story of Send’

Ever wondered how email works? Ever actually asked yourself how an email travels from your computer to an recipient in seconds?

I have, and it all starts with send.  Google’s new Go Green campaign has created ‘Story of Send’ a fun, interactive timeline that traces the trajectory of an email from your Gmail account through their back-end routers all the way to your recipient.

How does email work then, Google?

Google Story of Send – Clicking the send button begins your journey with a fun animation as the email passes through your broadband connection and on to the people that make it all happen at Google HQ. Although the interactive journey may in fact take longer than it takes to send and receive an email,  it’s a great way to spend your coffee break.

Along the path, you will be treated to nine stations where you can watch videos to learn more about Google’s data center to see how the system filters for spam and viruses, all while maintaining an energy-efficient environment and utilizing renewable power.

All My Faves Bottom Line:

Google Story of Send is a fun way to learn about something you do everyday, that you may know very little about. Hop on the journey and let us know what you think!


Ariel Disner:

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