Forget Me Not: B-Movie-Inspired Interactive Music Video

Posted on Monday, July 16th, 2012 by

“The brain that wouldn’t die”, ‘Teenagers from outer space”, “Starman: attack form space”. Most of you, like me, probably haven’t seen any of these obscure 1950’s and 1960’s B-Movies. Well, never fear folks, because now’s your chance…

A music video that says, ‘Forget Me Not’

‘Forget Me Not’ is a new song from Smolik’s latest album and features the smooth, vocal stylings of Emmanuelle Seigner. At ForgetMeNot (the website), the song is used in an entertaining, interactive music video that mixes scenes from the above three classic B-Movies.

You simply click on the lyrics to switch between clips from the movies. I found it particularly entertaining that the clips being shown appear to have no specific connection to the words being sung (other than the fact that Smolik and Seigner apparently don’t want us to forget accidentally hilarious classics like “The Brain That Wouldn’t Die”…)!

Bottom Line

Forget Me Not is a nice enough song to listen to; while the interactive music video really is like a unique love letter to a (thankfully) bygone era of B-Movie making! Try it out at Forget Me Not.

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