A Travel Guide Written by Wikivoyagers!
Wikivoyage is built with the spirit of sharing knowledge that makes travel so enjoyable. It follows the Wikipedia concept that any Internet reader can create, update, edit, and illustrate any article on the Website. The idea is to try and mimic the behavior pattern of travelers when they meet each other on the road; they swap info about the places they came from and ask questions about places they’re going. Travel guides on Wikivoyage are mostly arranged geographically. You generally won’t find articles on attractions, hotels and restaurants, but you hopefully will find all that information and more in the Wikivoyage destination guide articles for countries, cities, and towns.
By the People, For the People!
The more people that use the Edit link, the better Wikivoyage becomes. Searching for the destination you are interested in may take you to a guide for that destination, or if there isn’t a guide on that destination, you will see a list of articles that mention it.