Non-Traditional Tours
AnyRoad is a tour booking site that helps travelers find unique guides that will take them to relatively unknown destinations within the country they are visiting.

Help Support Local Communities

As of now, AnyRoad only offers tour guides in a few locations: San Francisco, New York, Tokyo, Israel, the UK, Rio de Janeiro and South Africa. You can set one of those destinations as a filter and then search for an activity or city within one of the countries mentioned before a long list of tours is displayed. You can further filter your tours by category — with Art/Architecture, Outdoors/Nature, Nightlife, Sustainability and several more as options. Each tour details the exact cost, starting point, available dates, price and duration. Booking the tour can be completed directly from within AnyRoad’s system. Another way in which the site differentiates itself from other tour booking websites is that 5% of the profits are donated to a nonprofit organization that benefit the various communities in which tours are offered. This aspect of the site, as well as the ability to thoroughly research guides and find unique alternatives to typical tours, makes AnyRoad the preferred destination for booking tours online.