Weekly App: Sleep Cycle – The Organic Way to Wake Up

Sleep Cycle – Imagine waking up every morning refreshed, full of energy and ready to take on the day. Sounds like vacation time, doesn’t it? Well, the Sleep Cycle alarm clock app offers “a bio-alarm clock that analyzes your sleep patterns and wakes you when you are in the lightest sleep phase.” No more rude awakening from deep sleep to the sound of that annoying alarm. The app will make sure you wake up when your body is ready at the lightest sleeping cycle, and it will ensure you have enough time to prepare for and get to work when you need to.

The Sleep Cycle tracks your movement during your sleep and that’s how it identifies your deep and light sleep cycles. Although it requires an initial movement calibration, using Sleep Cycle will improve your mornings. Monday won’t be so dreadful again, at least in terms of waking up…

Annat Katz:

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  • WOW! Incredible post. Now i know that their is a sleep cycle that will help me tracks when I am sleeping. I want to try this for good sleep cycle. Highly-recommended to all of my friends to have a sleep cycle. Thank you for posting this.

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  • very true.only by being the spirit we can enjoy every moment of life .I wish every body can reach that state 1 day

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