Vocativ: Technology-Driven Journalism

Vocativ is a digital media outlet with a refreshing, technology-driven approach to news and journalism.

A Tech-driven Approach to Digital Media

Vocativ offers an exciting combination of technology and journalism, making it one of the best and most unique digital media companies. The site claims to find its sources in the deep web, uncovering stories from places that traditional, established media companies don’t dare venture. You won’t be able to find many of Vocativ’s stories anywhere else, because the site is smart enough to find them in unsuspecting locations. What sets Vocativ apart from other tech-oriented news organizations is that the site also places a high emphasis on quality writing. It’s great to bring a unique, tech-savvy approach to media, but it’s even better when that approach is coupled with intelligent journalism.

Data-mining Practices make for Unique, Quality Journalism

Vocativ has the money and technology to back it, as it was founded by security entrepreneur Mati Kochavi. Kochavi and his staff use data-mining techniques to find and track stories across social media and the web as they’re occurring. It’s a smart way to both find unique data and come up with stories that no one is publishing anywhere else. Vocativ writers quote Tumblr posts from women who have joined ISIS, show tweets and first-person photographs from people and places around the world. The site also has a video section with high-quality short videos exploring certain topics. Vocativ is worth checking over established news organizations, if only because they offer something different.

Will Hagle:

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