ThisIsWhyImBroke – Buy a Flying Car – Crazy Inventions

Ever wanted to know how much a Jet Pack costs? Ever wanted to buy one? This Is Why I’m Broke has dedicated itself to sourcing and bringing you the world’s craziest, coolest, most bizarre inventions.

Fancy spending your pocket money on a flying car?

It’s a great read over the coffee break, and actually helped me find a couple of novelty gifts for friends’ birthdays (and no I’m not talking about the flying car to the right, although you really can buy one if you want to! Incredible!)

How about a water jet pack? ThisIsWhyImBroke has it all!

ThisIsWhyImBroke is a strong contender for next year’s nominations for Coffee Break site of the Year. But for now, check out our Top 10 Sites For Your Coffee Break 2011. You’ll discover some awesome sites like this, and you can vote for your favorites!

Danny Davies:

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