The Wirecutter – A Guide to the Best Gadgets

The Wirecutter provides a List of Great Technology. Let the experts at the Wirecutter cut through the noise and reduce the pain in tech shopping. Get all the research in one place, so you can save yourself time as you shop.

A Geek Squad at Your Fingertips

The people at The Wirecutter study materials put forth by gadget companies and read the forums and user reviews on sites like Amazon and GDGT. They talk to the best journalists who review gadgets like John Falcone and his team at CNET for home theater gear (excepting projectors), or Richard Baguley at about cameras. Or Ars Technica when it comes to new operating systems. Or Sascha Segan when it comes to mobile networks. There are dozens of really great tech reporters, and they know them and who is best at what. They only deal with the best and try to avoid using idiots as sources. They take all the data I can find from their work and from around the web. And then I make up my mind. Sometimes I agree with the people who have tested things. But sometimes they recommend a lower or higher tiered gadget depending on what they think most people will need.

Every Last Dollar Counts

The Wirecutter only features the best of the best. When they say best, they don’t mean the one that costs the most or has the most features. In many cases, the top of the line models are unnecessary for most people. It’s true that one of the best ways to find gadgets is to just find out which ones are on sale. But there are plenty of really amazing gadgets at good prices, in case that’s the way you want to go. They rarely recommend the most expensive thing, however. Because we live in an age where most gadgets are good enough, they like to find the sweet spot of cost as balanced out by the features we really need. And pick a model above and below that exact point. Another belief they have, which helps us make decisions, is that one can argue styles but you can’t argue quality or value. Those things are evident. So next time your looking for great advice on the coolest technology, go to The Wirecutter. You’ll be happy you did. Check it out today and start enjoying free tech advice.


Etye Sarner:

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