Longform: Quality Articles for those On The Go

For those of you who have bought magazine subscriptions that have piled up on you, have no fear, Longform is here with a “no noise, no clutter” simple design that lets you read the best writing on the web.

Perfect for commutes and flights

Longform picks four of the most interesting articles floating around the web every day to share on their newsfeed and allows readers to add their own favorite subscriptions. You will not be able to read magazines from start to finish, but if you’re willing to trust Longform, you will definitely find some fantastic articles just made to be read on the go.

Readability compatible

“Some are new, others are classics, but every story we recommend is designed to be read later on your phone, tablet or Kindle.” Longform  works with a web service called Readability to convert any article into an easily read work of art.

Find, Read, and Share!

While searching through Longform, I decided to read “Disaster Aversion: The Quest to Control Hurricanes”. Within the first 5 lines of text, the article reminded me of an author I used to love as a kid. I looked up C.S. Lewis, and to my surprise, Longform had parts of his short stories as well as an article that compared his work to that of other famous writers. Obviously, I had to share my findings! Longform made this easy as well with it’s sharing tools that upload straight to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or to your e-mail.

Bottom Line: Worth every cent of the $4.99!

Not only because Longform took me on a trip down memory lane, but also because it introduced me to quality writing that I would never have been able to find on the web myself, I would say Longform is completely worth $4.99 at the App store! Another worthy attempt at revolutionizing the way we consume news and articles on the go.


Masha Arbisman:

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