Futurism: Curated Science and Tech News

Futurism is a curated feed and email digest of the most important scientific breakthroughs and technological innovations.

Stay Current on Science & Technology News

Futurism offers a regularly updated feed of news relating to the latest scientific and technological breakthroughs. The site’s homepage offers a daily feed of news, with article headlines ranging from “Space Station Laser Link Blasts Broadband From Orbit” to “This Week In Bitcoin.” The format of the site should be familiar to RSS feed subscribers or Reddit users, as it’s simplistic and oriented around text rather than images or videos. There’s also the ability to “upvote” articles in order to move them higher on the page. The articles ultimately link to a third-party site, but are hosted in Futurism’s publishing format as well.

Contribute to the Futurism Community by Voting on the Curated Articles

The content on Futurism can be trusted because it’s curated by a dedicated editorial staff. The editors present stories on a daily basis, but then the rest of the work is completed by the community of users that vote on each article. Users can also submit their own stories, but Futurism specifies that it must adhere to their editorial guidelines of being current, significant news about science or technology. For those that don’t want to check Futurism’s homepage on a regular basis, the site also offers weekly e-mail newsletters that are centered around particular topics. Currently, the site offers a Science Weekly, Bitcoin Weekly, and a Tech Weekly.

Will Hagle:

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