Vidcaster – Free Youtube Video Site Maker

VidCaster – If you’ve ever wanted to create a site for all of your videos, or you’re running a business that aims to engage users through video, this is a great site for you. Vidcaster is a one-click video site maker. Its services are free if you just want to make a site to host all of your Youtube videos. If you want to use it for your business there is a small fee, but it definitely adds value for that fee, including hosting + video management for SMBs, corporate marketers and content producers.

If you’re looking for a site that instantly creates engaging, fully SEO’d video websites without the hassle or cost of combining separate services like YouTube+WordPress, Brightcove+CustomCMS, then click the photo below, and try Vidcaster out.

Devour – Awesome Hand-Picked Videos – Interesting fact here for you: Around 48 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute. Apparently that would take you approximately 2800 years to watch all those millions of videos. So good luck trying to find something worth watching on your lunch break!

Devour sifts out the best videos and posts the well-curated collection every weekday. Much like AllMyFaves’ very own handpicked awesome video page in fact… So if you’re tired of the seemingly endless stream of cute kittens and laughing babies, but still want something new and fresh, you’ve got a new site to try out. Actually two. Click both links. You’re welcome.

Seriously funny: Batman is bad at Riddles!