Cyber Monday Part II: Green Monday Deals

Green Monday 2 is the new Cyber MondayGreen Monday is just around the corner and some of the best deals from the biggest shopping retailers are available for just one more day. So what are you waiting for, shop Green Monday now!

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First Chapters – Top Book Lists – Discover New Books for Free!

First Chapters – Do you enjoy reading and discovering new books? Maybe you’re the kind of person who loves going into bookstores; browsing the Top Book List; and reading the first chapters of titles that catch your eye. Well now you can do that on the internet, from the comfort of your own living room, with FirstChapters, for free!

FirstChapters is an innovative book discovery platform designed with you, the reader, in mind. Browse top-rated book lists, including ‘Pulitzer Prize Winners & Finalists’, ‘New York Times Bestsellers’, ‘USA Today Bestsellers’, ‘Amazon Bestsellers’, or ‘Oprah’s Must Reads’ to read free first chapters of books. Click on the picture below to start finding the best new books for free!

Countdown to Black Friday: Cheap Amazon Deals!

Amazon’s Black Friday Countdown – Oh you lucky, lucky consumers. We all love a good deal, and Black Friday is the greatest deal day of them all.  And basking in its status as “Earth’s Most Customer-Centric Company”, it holds a whole WEEK of deals, starting the Monday of Black Friday. And to get us all pumped up and ready, it’s launched a countdown to its week of awesome deals.

I for one literally can’t wait. I’m sitting with my credit card poised at my screen right now… I’m considering whether to spend my birthday money (from the past three years…) on a shiny new iPad. Where better to visualise all my favourite websites on my All My Faves Homepage!? What do you guys want to get a great deal on? Comment, tweet us, let us know!