Good Noows – A New Way of Reading What’s New

Good Noows – Getting constant online updates on your topics of interest is the easiest thing these days. Making use of facilitation tools such as readers, RSS and email updates is so simple it’s rather redundant. But what if I told you there was a different news update provider out there, one which leaves all the other payers in the information dust? Say hello to Good Noows. This not-only-good-news platform is truly unique in terms of the options it makes available to users. Not only can you choose the news resources to receive updates from (Google news doesn’t allow this yet), but you can switch between an array of display modes to get the perfect visual experience you’re after.

The first screen shot below shows the source selection step (I just love setting my own selection of sources), on the topic of Environment. Naturally, there are numerous topics to choose from such as world and politics, money and finance, travel, you name it.

Another cool attribute Good Noows offers other news update providers don’t -Readers in particular- is the fast headline skimming. Since I’m subscribed to multiple online news providers focusing on technology and communication (TechCrunch, ReadWriteWeb and Wired), there are many instances where all three cover the same news story. That means I’m wasting time going over the same general update more times than I need. With Good Noows, all headlines are right then and there, so if you have any overlaps you notice them immediately. All these pluses, in addition to a sleek design, multiple display options and a lot of personal control over content sources make Good Noows a powerful and appealing news platform.