Wanelo – Find unique products from stores you’ve never heard of

If you’re looking for clothing that nobody else has, Wanelo can help. Wanelo features unique products and stores you’ve never heard of.

Why shop at Wanelo?

Wanelo has the brand names you love but it also has unique brands that you’ve never heard of. It has a good mix of products, if you’re not just interested in the major brands. On Wanelo you create a profile and can follow your favorite stores. It’s like a social network for shopping: you post products you find from other stores and if you post good products people will start following you.

Deena Varshavskaya, the CEO of Wanelo, excited us by the way she describes her company:

“We want Wanelo to become the next way people shop, a social Amazon … shopping will stop being one way (stores marketing at you) and will become a truly personal and social experience. Wanelo is to shopping, what Facebook and Twitter are to content”.

Bottom Line

Wanelo’s got unique products and stores that you won’t find at typical shopping websites. So if you’re looking for something a bit more unique, try out Wanelo.

Michael Steele:

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