Page99Test – The Simple Bona Fide Literary Criric

Page99Test – There’s a good reason why this writing critic community site is called that way. According to Fox Madox Ford, “open the book to page 99 and the quality of the whole will be revealed to you.” This quote has become a quick rule of thumb for readers evaluating the literary quality of a book, and Page99Test has taken this premise and turned it into a wonderful community effort.

Published as well as unheard-of writers get to submit their 99th page and get feedback from the site’s user community. As you will see in the screen shot below, each 99th page is accompanied by three quick questions: 1. “Would you turn the page?” (yes/no), 2. “Tell the writer why yes/no” and 3.  “Based on what you read, how likely are you to buy this book?”

Annat Katz:

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