Stay Ahead of the Competition
With Mention you have the ability to Monitor millions of sources in 42 languages and don’t miss anything published on social networks, news sites, forums, blog or any web page. Share your alerts with any user and assign tasks to your team members. Ask your community manager to reply to a tweet, comment on a blog article… Use live alerts to get alerted in real-time via email and push notifications of new mentions. Don’t waste any time. React quickly and efficiently.
Stay Smart – React to any Mention
You can react to any mention the smart way. Re-tweet a mention, share positive mentions directly on your Facebook page… Get an overview of your mentions by source, language, over selected period of time, generate PDF reports or export data in CSV format to analyze them your own way. Share your alerts with any user and assign tasks to your team members. Ask your community manager to reply to a tweet, comment on a blog article…Never miss a post with access to mention from anywhere. Use the web-app, Chrome app, desktop version for PC, Mac or Linux or mobile version with the iPhone or Android app.
In conclusion, Mention is perfect for anyone or business looking to stay on top of their public image through the use of social media and the World Wide Web. It has already helped me and I definitely plan to continue to use this great service.