Jumo – Literally Following Issues and Causes You Care About

Jumo – This website is simply amazing. It has cleverly combined the world of NGO/NPOs with the social network sphere, making it the best ‘follow your cause’ venue currently on the Web. In simpler terms, Jumo “makes it easy for you to find, follow, and support the issues and organizations that are important to you.”

Once you’ve signed up via Facebook, the Jumo platform asks you to select your areas of interest (such as human rights, environment and animals, poverty, art & culture, etc.). Next, based on your location, the Jumo system showcases nine different organizations and causes for you to follow in each of your chosen fields. See it here:

When you’re done, you’re taken to Jumo’s silverlining page: a Facbook profile-like page, customized according to your preferences, displaying important news and updates -feeds, really- relevant to your profile, plus suggested causes and organizations to follow. It looks amazing, includes content I’d actually like to read and it’s all for a good purpose. Hooray Jumo!

Annat Katz:

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