How About We – The Saner Alternative to Conventional Online Dating

How About We… – When I used to be a member of a certain online dating site, the experience was always awkward and felt a bit fake. Each man’s profile I read on the site seemed like a marketing pitch and I would always approach every message or conversation I had there with great suspicion and doubt. If the online dating experience is not your cup of tea either, but you’re still eager to meet singles, check out How About We…

This site’s basic approach is fundamentally different from any other online dating site. Instead of constructing a (let’s face it) sugar glazed profile of who you are and what you’re looking for, you come up with your idea of a good date by starting with the words “How about we…” (ex. How about we visit my neighborhood’s new brewery?) This way you have a much better chance of attracting singles interested in the same things you are, hence, increased probability of a good match.  My friend Mia from Palo Alto, CA tried out this service and said it’s “a refreshing take on online dating I’d actually like to try out for a while.” Need I say more?

Annat Katz:

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