Gogobot – Trusted Travel Tips Shared by Friends

Gogobot – The best trip tips I get when I travel come not necessarily from travel guides like TripAdvisor and the like, but from friends who had already been to my desired destination. Gogobot is built upon the same concept, offering a network of friends who share the best travel tips with the rest of the community, based upon ‘actually been there’ experiences. These tips are then combined with photos and maps to build the ultimate travel guide for you, according on your preferences.

To see the wonders of Gogobot, log in with your facebook account and explore Destinations, or type in any other location and hit Plan a Trip. You can either seek advice or share yours with the community. To see an example, check out this travel profile for San Diego. To learn more on Gogobot, watch the video below.

Annat Katz:

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