Art Finder – Turning the Art World From Aloof to Social

Art Finder – The social Web has penetrated an array of fields thus far; business, food, entertainment, music and education, just to name a few. But the realm of art remained rather distant until now, and Art Finder is here to make art discovery, enjoyment and sharing easier then ever.

You can start your art discovery by picking your ‘best looking’ paintings out of two series of four, based upon which Art Finder will create a guided art tour for you with recommendations suited to your taste. Art Finder is a god send since it not only brings top quality art to the masses, but also provides exposure to artists and their works from all over the world. If you’re new to art, start with Art Finder’s style guide or, start exploring the various featured artists on the site. Whatever you find can then be shared with your friends via Facebook and Twitter.

For more art resources online visit our Education page and explore the Art Faveline.

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Annat Katz: