Under The Hundred: Great Design for Less Than 100 Euros

Under The Hundred is a place where great design is curated for 100 euros or less.

Save Some Money…

Under The Hundred understands that great design also tends to be incredibly expensive. It’s difficult to collect interest design products because of the high barrier of entry cost-wise. True to its name, Under The Hundred exclusively offers products that are under one hundred Euros. The site offers a different piece of design every day, along with a link to purchase the product through a third party site. All of the items featured on Under The Hundred are intelligently designed, unique products. On March 21st, for instance, the featured item was a “Crumpled City” map. The idea behind these city maps is that they are strong enough to be crumpled up in any direction rather than folded on specific creases. That’s an awesome, well-designed idea, and it costs only twelve euros.

…Still Get Great Design.

Although Under The Hundred features only one product a day, there’s also the ability to sift through previously featured items. The homepage of Under The Hundreds is as well designed as the products it offers, and it displays the day’s featured product prominently against a white backdrop. There are arrows on either side of the product, allowing you to scroll forwards or backwards to see past or future items (all of which are accompanied by the date on which they were featured). The items come from a variety of different sources throughout the web. The site is essentially a curation tool, but there’s also the option to submit items that you’ve come across for consideration to be featured by Under The Hundreds. All you have to do is provide the link. If you want to get a daily dose of interesting design products, Under The Hundreds is undoubtedly the location you should choose.

Will Hagle:

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